
Minutes of the
FEP Annual General Meeting, Canadian Region
Prince Arthur Waterfront Hotel
17 Cumberland Street North, Thunder Bay, ON
Saturday, 25.6.2016

Present: Veli Niinimaa (Chairman, FEP, Canadian Region), Riitta Teini (Pohjalaiset Kanadassa), Anja Erwin (Finlandia Association of Thunder Bay, Finnish Language School Thunder Bay), Kauko Ylinen (Pelimannit, Thunder Bay), Ann Marie Sutherland, Sault Ste. Marie, Antero Laitila, Hilkka Laitila, Olavi Jarvela, Barbara Jarvela, Harry Mannisto, Ken Aromaa

Invited guests: H. E. Charles Murto, Ambassador of Finland, Anni Ståhle, Head of Public Diplomacy, Embassy of Finland, Raimo Viitala, Honorary Consul, Sault Ste. Marie, Consulate of Finland.

Regrets: Maarit Koivunen, Eija Peltokangas, Hannu Piironen, Pentti Hirvonen

Meeting information package: Agenda, Speakers Council report, Chairman’s report 2015-2016, FEP, Canada Region Operating Policy, Draft #9, Initiatives from 2015 to the 2017 Congress, Congress 2017 preparation timetable, USP/FEP news bulletin dated 21.6.2016.

1. The meeting was called to order at 11:10 a.m. and Veli Niinimaa, Chairman, FEP, Canada
Region, welcomed the participants and declared English as the working language.

2. Selection of Secretary and Scrutineers.
Anja Erwin was appointed as the meeting secretary.
Kauko Ylinen and Antero Laitila were chosen as election scrutineers.

3. The agenda was approved without changes.
4. Special guests were introduced.
Ambassador Charles Murto was introduced. He brought greetings from the Government of
Finland and he agreed to update with news from Finland later under New Business.
Raimo Viitala, Honorary Consul, Sault Ste. Marie, was introduced. He brought greetings from Sault Ste Marie. The next Finnish Canadian Grand Festival will be held in Sault Ste Marie on August 4, 5 and 6th in 2017. Everyone was welcomed to attend.

5. A roundtable of introductions of participants.

6. Report from Speakers Council.
Veli Niinimaa reviewed the report that was distributed and posted. Kauko Ylinen suggested that
a joint event be held in Thunder Bay in addition to each organization’s own events to celebrate
Finland’s centennial. There were no other comments from the meeting participants and the
report was accepted as written.

7. Chairman’s Report for 2015 – 2016.
a. Veli Niinimaa reviewed the report, which was distributed. The review included discussion of some of major projects that are planned to celebrate 100 years of Independence in 2017. Thunder Bay Pelimannit are planning a Festival Concert and Tour in 2017 in Finland, Thunder Bay Oras Chamber Choir is planning a celebratory program, Veli Niinimaa is preparing a book celebrating outstanding Finnish-Canadians, Irina Ilmokari is completing a book about Toronto Region Finns. The Toronto Finnish Theatre will produce a play in honour of the centennial and Toronto Area Finns are planning a four-part program consisting of a concert, skating with NHL stars, Finnish movie series and a gala dinner.
b. There are currently 650 applications for the Suomi Finland 100 funding. Unfortunately, not all proposals will receive funding. Approximately 400 of the top projects will be funded to a maximum total of € 600,000.
As there were no questions or clarification required, the report was accepted as written.

8. Canadian Regional Items:
a. Discussion page in Canada Region – The discussion page has been set up by Vice Chairman Maarit Koivunen on Facebook. Issues concerning USP/FEP in the Canadian Regions can be discussed on this page without having to e-mail members. Invitations have been sent out to all members to participate. It is a closed group to members of USP/FEP member organizations. Members are encouraged to use this forum.

b. Canada Region operating policy – Veli Niinimaa discussed the background of the operating policy as written in Draft #9, which was distributed to the group. He discussed the need for the operating policy and reviewed the policy with all present. There were no objections to the policy as written. Veli Niinimaa asked for a vote to accept the Canadian Region, Operating Policy. All were in favour and the motion of accept the policy as written in Draft #9 was accepted unanimously as the final Canada Region Operating Policy of FEP.

c. 2017 – Finland’s Centennial celebrations – Kauko Ylinen gave an update on the Thunder Bay Pelimannit 2017 Finland tour. He also shared that all Thunder Bay Finnish groups are working together to plan an event. Anni Stahle gave an update on Suomi 100 activities. Information is available on-line on the Suomi 100 website and the Embassy in Ottawa is interested in collecting as much information as possible on all Suomi 100 activities taking place in Canada. The Embassy intends to promote Suomi 100 in Canada on the Embassy's website and social media. The Suomi 100 Secretariat at the Office of the Prime Minister of Finland has overall responsibility for the centennial celebrations. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland has a team working with promoting Suomi 100 internationally. Ambassador Murto added that funding is limited and that not everyone will be able to get the funding that has been applied for. Veli Niinimaa will send the list of 60 USP member clubs to Anni Ståhle for her in order to contact member organizations for information for promotion on plans for Suomi 100. Riitta Teini inquired as to when funding applications would be approved. Most applications for funding will receive answers by the end of August, and some by the end of October, due to the volume of applications.

d. Suomi-Seura honours candidates – There are three levels of honours - gold, silver and bronze. Veli Niinimaa asked for any nominations and informed that nominations can be made at any time by email. He can email a list of previous people honoured if anyone is interested. There were no nominations at this time.

e. Initiatives for 2017 FEP Congress
1. There is currently no mechanism for ending memberships. The recommendation is that an organization’s membership should be removed after 3 years of inactivity. As there are no membership fees paid, lack of fee payment cannot be used as a criterion for ending membership. A sponsoring organization is needed to bring up this issue.

2. FEP develop an award system to be implemented when finances permit. The recommendation is that Suomi-Seura awards be used in the meantime. A sponsoring organization is needed to bring up this issue.

3. The Sampo Rhythmic Gymnastics club has proposed that a Finnish citizenship be
granted by declaration to the grandchildren of former Finnish citizens. A statement from the Government of Finland is that this is not likely, but if enough interest can be proven, that this initiative may be brought forward.

4. Defining the roles of Observers at FEP Congress. A recommendation has been made as written in the Initiatives from the 2015 Canadian Region document. A sponsoring organization is needed to bring up this issue.

f. Veli Niinimaa reviewed the timetable for the 2017 Congress. Finnish Expatriate Parliament will be celebrating 20 years of operations during Finland’s centennial year.

g. New Business:
Awards and recognitions:
- Bill Holt, an active member and supporter of USP/FEP, has recently passed away.

- Niilo Saari and Brian Koivu received the Knight of the White Rose awards.

- Hannu Piironen, Honorary Consul, Sudbury, received an award from the Huntington University, Canadian Finnish Institute, in Sudbury, ON.

- Ambassador Murto gave an update on what is happening in Finland. In regards to political developments, there have been no elections since our last meeting. There is a new Conservative party leader and there has been a small reshuffle of cabinet posts. Regarding security policy, a document has been prepared by four eminent persons regarding Finland´s possible NATO membership and just a few days ago the Finnish Government finalized a Review of Foreign and Security policy. Finland’s closest partners are the Nordic countries and the United States. These documents can be read on the website of the Finnish Foreign Ministry. The Ministry of Defence is preparing a Review of Finnish Defence Policy, which is planned to come out in the autumn. In regards to economic situation, there is light at the end of the tunnel, acknowledging that the last few years have been difficult. The Finnish Labour Unions and the Confederation of Employers have signed an agreement to allow an increase in hours of work, which will make Finland more competitive with other exporting countries. For its part, the Government has hailed the importance of this agreement and promised a package to reduce taxes to stimulate the economy. There are also other positive signs for the Finnish economy. Shipbuilding in Finland is now doing better as the Turku shipyard has seen increased demand for its new cruise ships, as well as the purchase of Nokia by Alcatel Lucent gives it a stronger base for networks in North America.

- Veli Niinimaa also noted the very recent appointment of Paula Risikko as Interior Minister. USP/FEP deals with this ministry on regular basis.

9. Election of Chairman and Vice-Chairman:
Toronto Finnish Theatre Company has nominated Veli Niinimaa to continue in the position of Chairman of the USP/FEP Canadian Region for the 2017 – 2020 term. Irina Ilmokari nominated Maarit Koivunen for the position of Vice-Chairman. The chair called three times for additional nominations. There were no other nominations. Veli Niinimaa and Maarit Koivunen were elected by acclamation.

10. Next AGM – the next Annual General Meeting of FEP, Canadian region, will be held in Sault
Ste. Marie in conjunction with the Finnish-Canadian Grand Festival, August 4 – 6th, 2017. In the
following year it will be held in Vancouver, BC.

11. The next USP/FEP Congress will be in Helsinki June 16 – 17th, 2017.

12. Meeting adjourned at 10:59 a.m.

Respectfully submitted by

Veli Niinimaa Anja Erwin
Chairman, Canada Region Meeting Secretary

* Sivun alkuun

Ulkosuomalaisparlamentin pysyvä sihteeristö / Utlandsfinländarparlamentets permanenta sekretariat
/ Permanent Secretariat of the Finnish Expatriate Parliament
Mariankatu 8, 00170 Helsinki, Finland
Tel: +358-(0)9-684 1210, Fax: +358-(0)9-684 121 40
E-mail: info@usp.fi

Päivitetty: 8.7.16 Webmaster